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Beemo offers a wide range of moderation tools to help handle any problematic users. Explore the tabs below to see how.

Moderation Commands

Command Example Usage
archive [user ID/mention] /archive user:@Beemo#4570 Creates a message archive, which expires 12 hours later, for the user specified. Archives cannot be generated for moderators or admins to ensure messages in private channels stay protected.
avatar [user ID/mention] /avatar user:@Beemo#4570 Gets the avatar of the specified user.
ban [user ID/mention] (duration) (reason) /ban user:@Beemo#4570 duration:7d reason:Spam Bans the user, deleting their past 7 days of messages and notifying them through DMs. This incident is also logged. Not specifying a duration sets the ban to permanent.
cleankick [user ID/mention] (reason) /cleankick user:@Beemo#4570 reason:Spam Kicks the user and deletes their past 7 days of messages, notifying them through DMs and logging the incident.
case change duration [case ID] [new duration] /case change duration case:14 duration:4d Edits the duration of an existing moderation case. This will also edit the DM for the user who received the action to reflect the change. You may only edit your own cases unless you are a moderation manager
kick [user ID/mention] (reason) /kick user:@Beemo#4570 reason:Spam Kicks the user, notifying them through DMs and logging the incident.
modlogs [user ID/mention] /modlogs user:@Beemo#4570 Shows all moderation logs for a user, including a link to each cases’ action log and message archive.
modnote [user ID/mention] [reason] /modnote user:@Beemo#4570 reason:Spam Adds a mod note onto the user’s logs; This note is only visible to moderators, and does not DM the user or show when the user types /mylogs.
modstats [user ID/mention] (before:YYYY/MM/DD) (after:YYYY/MM/DD) /modstats user:@Beemo#4570 before:2021/01/01 after:2020/01/01 Gets statistics of the specified moderator. You can optionally specify a before and/or after date to get stats for specific time periods. You must be a moderation manager or admin to use this command.
mute [user ID/mention] (duration) (reason) /mute user:@Beemo#4570 duration:3h reason:Spam Mutes the user, notifying them through DMs when the mute begins and ends and logging the incident. Not specifying a duration sets the mute to permanent.
presets view (variable) /presets view name:spamming Lists all available preset reason variables for the server. If a preset variable is specified, this command will list the correlated preset reason.
purge [amount <= 1000] /purge amount:400 Mass-deletes the specified number of messages in the channel invoked. This command has a limit of 1000 messages, and may take a few seconds. You must be a moderation manager or admin to use this command.
case change reason [case ID] [reason] /case change reason case:14 reason:Advertising Edits the reason of an existing moderation case. This will also edit the DM for the user who received the action to reflect the change. You may only edit your own cases unless you are a moderation manager or admin.
case revoke one [case ID] (reason) /case revoke one case:14 reason:Appealed Revokes the specified moderation case. This will prevent the case from showing on /modlogs and will edit the DM for the user who received the action to reflect that the action is revoked. You may only revoke your own cases unless you are a moderation manager or admin.
case revoke all [user ID/mention] (reason) /case revoke all user:@Beemo#4570 reason:Appealed Revokes all cases tied to a user, preventing them from showing up on their moderation logs. You must be a moderation manager or admin to use this command.
saveban [user ID/mention] (duration) (reason) /saveban user:@Beemo#4570 duration:2d reason:Advertising The same as /ban, except the user’s messages are not deleted.
unban [user ID/mention] (reason) /unban user:@Beemo#4570 reason:Reformed Unbans the user, attempting to DM them and logging the incident.
unmute [user ID/mention] (reason) /unmute user:@Beemo#4570 reason:Reformed Unmutes the user, notifying them through DMs and logging the incident.
whois [user ID/mention] /whois user:@Beemo#4570 Gets information regarding a user in the server, such as account age, join date, join position, and roles.
warn [user ID/mention] (reason) /warn user:@Beemo#4570 reason:Spam Warns the user, notifying them through DMs and logging the incident.

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